What is a Combine Visa?
If a student is in Australia and dependent is in the home country ( eg: Nepal) and the student wants to bring dependent to Australia.
If a student reapplies new visa adding dependent then this is combined visa. Normally this visa is granted around in 2 months.
In recent scenario combine visa is coming faster then Subsequent Visa
What is the option for current issue nursing student?
- If you have overall each band 7 then they can study diploma in nursing in any ANMAC accreditated college.
- If you have overall 6.5 each band 6.5/6 you can apply for July in some of the universities like USQ-Ipswich/Toowoomba,
- Federation University-Ballarat, USC-Sunshine Cost, CDU-Darwin and so on.
- If you are already settled in Sydney and did not want to change city then you can apply for 2020 Feb intake with an English course or any health-related course in the gap.
- If you did not get a score of IELTS each band 7 or equivalent or did not have enough fund recently then you can apply for any other health-related course like early childhood, age support, child care, mental health and so on.
What is the option for current issue nursing student?
- If you have overall each band 7 then they can study diploma in nursing in any ANMAC accreditated college.
- If you have overall 6.5 each band 6.5/6 you can apply for July in some of the universities like USQ-Ipswich/Toowoomba,
- Federation University-Ballarat, USC-Sunshine Cost, CDU-Darwin and so on.
- If you are already settled in Sydney and did not want to change city then you can apply for 2020 Feb intake with an English course or any health-related course in the gap.
- If you did not get a score of IELTS each band 7 or equivalent or did not have enough fund recently then you can apply for any other health-related course like early childhood, age support, child care, mental health and so on.
If my college closes what will happen?
If your college closes, the provider must find you another course to study in or pay you a refund of any unspent tuition fees. They must do this within 14 days of the day they fail to deliver your course.
If your provider does not (or is unlikely to) find you an acceptable course within 14 days, or does not pay you a refund of unspent tuition fees, the Tuition Protection Service (TPS) will help you to find an alternative course with an alternative provider. If you do not find an acceptable course, as a last resort the TPS will pay you a refund of any unspent tuition fees
I am worried my college might close – what should I do?
In the first instance, talk to your education provider/college to seek further information. If you are still concerned, you may outline your concerns in an email to the TPS at the following address operations@tps.gov.au. The TPS will inform the agency responsible for regulating the college so that it can be monitored.
In the meantime, you should make sure you keep receipts for any fees you have paid to the college and ask the college to give you an official record of the study you have completed and the results you have achieved to date.
If you want to “Make a complaint about an institute for imposing any kind of threat or providing misleading information” please visit ASQA’s website to lodge a complaint.
Website: https://www.asqa.gov.au/complaints
If you want to “Make a complaint about an agent “for providing false and misleading information please contact MARA
ebsite: https://www.mara.gov.au/
For inquiries related to nursing course and college, please contact ANMAC…
Website: https://www.anmac.org.au/program-accreditation/complaints
and lodging a complaint against those organisation to the respective governing bodies is not going to pose any threat to your VISA… (you can remain anonymous)
About Dependent Work Right
International students under their student visa have the work rights – 40 hours fortnightly. the students obtaining a diploma/bachelor degree, dependent may not exceed more than 40 hours fortnightly, even during holidays. For those students obtaining a graduate degree, like a masters degree, their dependent can work unlimited hours. Like students, dependent members are allowed to work until after the student has started his or her course.
If you are showing cash/bank balance. If you are planning/thinking to withdraw that amount after visa grant does not do that until you came to Australia. AHC may do inquiry in a bank even after your visa is granted.
Also, do not withdraw your bank balance even after visa lodge. Your document is under process they may inquiry in a bank and your visa may be refused due to this reason.